Dr. Scott Turansky & Joanne Miller, RN

2019 MassHOPE Convention Speaker

Speaker Bio

Dr. Scott Turansky is a cofounder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. He and his wife, Carrie, have five children and six grandchildren. Dr Turansky is a pastor, author, parenting coach, and nationally-known speaker. He has dedicated his life to studying God’s Word and the parenting process, and has developed many practical tools that equip families for success. Scott and Carrie homeschooled their five children and have walked along side countless homeschool families, providing tools and strategies to meet their individual needs.

Mrs. Joanne Miller is a cofounder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. She and her husband, Ed, have two grown sons, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. Joanne is a pediatric nurse, author, and speaker. She loves to provide parents with strategies that reach the hearts of their kids. Ed and Joanne homeschooled their children and have a passion for equipping, encouraging, and empowering homeschool families with the keys for success, both academically and in their relationships together.

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Speaker Workshops

Motivate Your Child

Motivation is often an area of struggle in family life. Children tend to either be unmotivated, creating stress for parents, or “over-motivated” earning the label of “strong-willed.” Come learn about the internal motivation system in your child’s heart and gain tools for guiding that motivation in the right direction. If you’re frustrated or discouraged with the typical reward and punishment strategies, you’ll find this heart- based, practical session to be inspiring and hopeful.

Understanding Attitudes in Children and How to Change Them

Grumbling, sarcasm, huffing, sighing, slouching, rolling eyes,… yes we all see that stuff all too often but what’s the best way to address these subtle (or not so subtle) forms of resistance? Children can have bad attitudes about instructions, authority, schoolwork, and even about the family life itself. We know that treating the symptoms is not enough. Come join us for a heart-based look at attitudes and some practical tools for helping kids change from the inside out.

There’s Hope! Understanding the Roadmap to Help Kids Thrive

All children struggle, some academically, some socially, and many in their relationships at home. Although each child is unique and special, God has answers to the challenges they face. Come take a closer look at how God changes people and learn to apply the same principles to the parent-child relationship. You will be encouraged and equipped as you understand the roadmap to change and the practical tools necessary. Find courage and hope as these heart-based strategies resonate with your heart.

Dealing with ADD: A Heart-Based Approach

Do you suspect your child is struggling with ADD? Maybe it’s confirmed, or maybe not but you just know. Join us and receive hope and encouragement through hands on practical, biblical tools to help your child thrive. You’ll learn to raise the character threshold enabling your child to do the right thing. Receive an Action Plan Worksheet with steps to develop a unique plan for your child. You’ll leave this session with the hope and encourage you desperately need.

Honor: The Key that Helps Our Kids Excel

Many families have a strong emphasis on obedience, but God instructs children to learn to obey and honor. Come take a closer look at the biblical concept of honor. Honor is a relationship term that can change the culture in a home, teaching kids to consider the needs of others and take initiative to go beyond what’s expected. Learn how honor changes a person and how to help your child rise to new levels of maturity.

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