Welcome to the National Center for Biblical Parenting. We’re so glad you stopped by. We have a wealth of resources to support and equip you in your parenting. Our tools are practical, biblical, heart-based, and teach children adult skills to face life’s challenges. The resources apply to all kinds of families with all age children. Formed by two homeschool families, the National Center for Biblical Parenting has been serving Christian families throughout the United States and Internationally for over twenty years. Please visit with us by listening to our video and then look over our conference specials below.
We have so much to offer you and your family. Here are FOUR SPECIALS we picked out with you in mind, but please visit biblicalparenting.org for more ideas.
1. THE GETTING STARTED SPECIAL This Heart-Based Package includes a book and manual plus downloadable audio sessions for a complete parenting curriculum to help you understand the biblical roots of our strategies and the practical application for your home. This package walks you through practical steps to change the relational patterns in your home and help you build godly character in your child’s heart each time you instruct or correct that child. Click here to learn more and order this package, 20% savings off the individual prices.
2. THE ANGER SPECIAL Anger is an emotion that effects us all. It’s not bad, but it is dangerous. The Good and Angry book plus the downloadable audio teaching unpacks what the Bible says about anger and then teaches how you can use anger as an ally. The audio session teaches you a plan to equip children with the tools necessary to manage even the most intense emotions. This 2-piece special saves you 20% off the individual prices. Click here to learn more and order this package.
3. WE NEED IT ALL SPECIAL All children have challenges but those who struggle with biological issues like ADHD or Autism have a unique set of struggles. We understand parenting these children requires some real expertise and wisdom. Furthermore, children who have been adopted also have challenges that the average parent doesn’t understand and the typical parenting book just doesn’t address. These are the children we work with. We know that behavior modification strategies lack the depth and insight that a heart-based approach brings to the table. We have created a six-book package to offer a multi-faceted approach to walk you step by step toward significant change in your home. The Getting Started Special is included, plus the blue print for a personalized action plan for character development, plus our life-changing honor curriculum, and even a 13-lesson curriculum for your child. The ADD/ADHD Resource Package is the tool you need for success in your relationships as well as your homeschool. The Adoption Resource Package gives you the same six books to equip you to connect with your adopted child’s heart and see it thrive. Whichever situation your family is in, these six books give you the tools you need.
4. SAVE 20% OFF CHILDREN’S CURRICULUM Use coupon code MASSHOPE in our webstore when you order any of our children’s curriculum. The Treasure Hunters Children’s Curriculum complements the teaching in the Heart Work material (Our Getting Started Special). The Kids Honor Club complements our Say Goodbye to Whining book (all about teaching honor in your family). Hero Training Camp teaches children to develop hero skills in life like young David in the Bible. Hero Training Camp teaches about the conscience, and complements our Motivate Your Child book. In addition, we have lesson books filled with fun activities that teach biblical principles. Click here to see our children’s curriculum. Remember to use the coupon code: MASSHOPE at check out.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Please feel free to email joanne@biblicalparenting.org if you need any help navigating our website.
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