Speaker Bio
Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Co-owner of Apologia, and Homeschool Mom of 7.
A respected international speaker, author, and podcaster, Rachael Carman has traveled the world speaking at conferences and retreats, teaching God’s Word to parents and children. Rachael and her husband, Davis, own Apologia Educational Ministries, a leading publisher of award-winning, creation-based curriculum for home educators. A mom to seven and “Coco” to her grandchildren, Rachael is a twenty-six-year homeschool veteran and continues to be energized by affirming, encouraging, and equipping the next generation of homeschooling families to answer the call.
In 1997, Rachael Carman walked into the executive offices of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries with a baby on her hip and proposed adapting their signature live events into a full-blown Bible survey curriculum for families to study at home. Now, after twenty-five years of prayer and perseverance, Rachael is excited to see The Word in Motion: Old Testament and The Word in Motion: New Testament published as a resource for Christian parents to teach the Bible to their children at home. In addition to this, her books How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You? and How to Have a HEART for Your Kids are winsome calls for moms to live each day at the foot of His throne.
Dates with her beloved, dark chocolate, afternoon tea, reading a good book, butterfly gardening, beach walking, and bike riding—these are a few of her favorite things. More than anything else, Rachael is passionate about studying the Word of God and challenging and inspiring others to strengthen their faith by deepening their walk with the Lord.
Workshops handouts available for download below.
Speaker Workshops
In This Moment
So here we are. Most of us would have chosen something different than what we’ve recently had to face. Who would have signed up for the last two years of crazy chaos? If I believe in a sovereign God and believe that He has a role for me to play in His plan, then how do I lean into that? What is my role in this cultural moment? Let’s look at some similarly chaotic cultural moments in Scripture and see what we can learn from those who have gone before.
What About "That" Child
First, know that you’re not alone. Secondly, “that” child is a blessing. You may think, “If only you knew.” Well, I do. I have one. What comes to mind when you hear “that child?” Do you smile, or scowl? Do you see yourself? Do you struggle to like that child? Is it difficult? Impossible? That child is a world changer God has a plan. All the energy, questions, and strength are God-given for His glory. Come and learn strategies to love, embrace, and train that child.
Evening of Real Refreshment (Ladies' Dessert)
Need Some Real Refreshment? Come and Get It! (Jeremiah 2:13)
Ladies’ Dessert – only available with pre-registration
Most moms surveyed say that they’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and lonely. Even in the best of circumstances, life is challenging. The laundry piles up. The floors are sticky. The kids are, well, kids. And then there’s the meal plans and the lesson plans. There are always interruptions and surprises, colds and flus, holidays and vacations. So where can a mom get some real refreshment? The world offers only empty promises that cannot satisfy. Jesus offered the woman at the well Living Water. Let’s discuss how to tap into the source that satiates!
Homeschooling is NOT the Answer
Wouldn’t it be nice if it were? Wouldn’t it be nice if all our problems could be solved with good family time and great curriculum, and if all we had to do was adopt a certain schedule, read certain books, and follow a certain educational philosophy? What if there were a simple, daily checklist to guarantee success? But, there’s not. There is, however, an answer to all that ails us; the sin and death, pain and misery. Come be reminded of the Answer and the hope it engenders.