Nancy Manos

2021 MassHOPE Convention Speaker

Speaker Bio

Nancy Manos is a graduated homeschool mom of two. She taught her daughters from preschool through high school and found it to be a rich, rewarding, and sometimes challenging experience. Nancy has served in homeschool leadership for nearly 20 years and is passionate about encouraging and equipping parents in the home education adventure. She and her husband James live in Chandler, Arizona.

Speaker Workshops

Curriculum Approaches

Homeschooling jargon can be confusing even for seasoned homeschool parents. In this workshop, Nancy will give an overview of many of the most common curriculum approaches including textbook, unit studies, classical, Charlotte Mason/living books, eclectic, and relaxed/delight-directed learning. We will also go over examples of curriculum and resources that tend to work best with each approach.

Getting Started Homeschooling

You’ve made the decision to homeschool or perhaps you’re exploring homeschooling as an option for your family. What’s next? Nancy will provide some direction as you embark upon this journey of teaching your children at home. We’ll cover ideas for lesson planning, basic supplies to have on hand, creating a schedule that works for your family, the benefits of joining a local homeschool group, how to balance enrichment activities and family life, and more.

Tips for Successful Homeschooling

Nancy shares tips she’s learned along the way for making the home education adventure more effective and fruitful — and more enjoyable, too! We’ll talk about what success looks like and share 12 obstacles to success. Glean ideas to help you organize your time, your home, your schedule, and your life in ways that will foster a successful homeschool experience with your children.

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