Speaker Bio
I have loved art ever since I could hold a crayon. I earned a bachelor’s degree in art education and an associate in psychology at Anna Maria College. I am the owner of Creative Communications Art Studio in Leicester, where we just celebrated our 20th anniversary. My husband, Michael, and I have been married for 20 years and have three children. We began our homeschooling journey in 2011 and just graduated our oldest daughter. She now attends Gordon College as a freshman.
Workshops designated with icon have handouts available for download.
Speaker Workshops
The Importance of Teaching Art to Your Child (Handout Available)
Have you ever wondered what the value is in art? Art magnifies the handiwork of our God, and His merciful blessings in allowing and equipping human beings to create and imagine beautiful things! Art is a motivator that inspires, uplifts, and develops “artistic confidence” that encourages all ages to have trust in their creativity and to be able to express their imagination. The Bible is full of artists with the most prominent being Bezalel in the Old Testament. Art is found in everything around you- from the classes you take in school to the beauty in the world God created.