MassHOPE Messenger

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Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of
Parent Educators
Promoting and safeguarding home education to the glory of God
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The MassHOPE Messenger

March 26, 2025

Welcome to The MassHOPE Messenger, an up-to-the-minute email summary of events and other opportunities for homeschoolers as well as other news items related to home education.

Please note that listing of items herein that are not sponsored by MassHOPE does not imply endorsement by MassHOPE. Due diligence should be exercised in determining what you consider appropriate for your own family.

Calendar of future MassHOPE events

  ­­ April 24-26: Annual Christian homeschool and parenting convention

Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center, Sturbridge, Massachusetts

June 7: Formal graduation ceremony, Holden Chapel,

Holden, Massachusetts

June 28: Used Curriculum Sale

Chapel of the Cross, Westborough, Massachusetts

New or Updated

 1. MassHOPE Convention: Register by April 1 to save!

 2. Hotel reservations for convention

 3. Convention speaker list with bios and workshops

 4. Convention workshop schedule available on website

 5. ¡Español!

 6. Handouts for convention workshops

 7. Ladies dessert fellowship

 8. What DO convention volunteers do?

 9. Speaker vault for April

10. Homeschool days at Battleship Cove in Fall River

11. Field trip fun in Ipswich


For Your Encouragement

12. Short and sweet

Homeschooling in the News

13.   From the Washington Examiner


14. Homeschool track meet May 10

15. Field trip fun in Boston

16. What a deal!

17. Online guitar lessons

18. Compelling TeenPact testimony: please read

19. Calling all parents of graduating seniors

20. For your encouragement: Some comforting advice

21. Homeschooling in the news: Homeschooled, or not? A study comparing outcomes

22. Social media triple play with our return to Instagram

23. Check out our new Resources page

24. Partner with MassHOPE?

25. Friends don’t let friends miss out on...

26. Discounts from

27. Convention recordings available

28. MassHOPE Facebook groups

29. MassHOPE advertising opportunities

30. MassHOPE Facebook discussion group

31. The MassHOPE Educator ID Card

32. Your news items wanted

33. Remember to “Like” MassHOPE on Facebook

34. Are you on our mailing lists?

Getting Started?

35. How to homeschool legally in Massachusetts

36. Videos and webinars from HSLDA

37. MassHOPE: homeschooling in Massachusetts

1. Register by April 1 to save!

Discounted pre-registration is available online through April 1—don’t miss your chance to save! Online registration will remain open until April 13 at the regular rate or you can register at the door.  Important deadlines:

• Ladies’ Dessert registration closes April 1—no exceptions.

• CPR and Dissection Labs will stay open until they sell out (and they’re filling fast!)

Click HERE to register today!

2. Hotel reservations for convention

If you plan to attend the convention and stay overnight, or make it a weekend getaway, please reserve your room before April 3 when the room block will be lifted. Make your reservations directly with the Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center (508-347-7393) and be sure to mention you are with MassHOPE in order to get your reduced room rate.

3. Convention speaker list with bios and workshops

Check out the SPEAKERS PAGE to learn more about them and see their workshop topics and descriptions.

4. Convention workshop schedule available on website

To plan ahead, check out our WORKSHOP SCHEDULE .   There are sessions for struggling learners, fathers, children, and teens, as well as dissection and CPR classes, and much more! (Dissection and CPR sessions require pre-registration; they will NOT be available to those registering at the door.) Please note, we will do our best to keep the schedule as posted, but we do reserve the right to make any necessary, last minute changes.


5. ¡Español!

Spread the word! For the first time ever we will have workshops for Spanish-speaking current and potential homeschoolers! See the WORKSHOP SCHEDULE on the website. 

6. Handouts for convention workshops

Since we are unable to estimate how many attendees will be in each workshop session, we post the handouts on our website ahead of time. Sometimes these handouts are outlines/notes of the sessions; other times, they may contain additional resources. If you see a workshop of interest that has this image

you can click on the image, print the handout, and bring it with you to the convention. Handouts may also come in handy when listening to a recording. 

7. Ladies dessert fellowship

Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship over dessert as we are treated with a special message by Linda Lacour Hobar, "Mary and Martha Decide to Homeschool". Again, pre-registration by April 1 is required in order to attend, and space is limited.

8. What DO convention volunteers do?

You’ve heard it so many times: We need volunteers for the convention! And you’d like to help, really you would, but you’re reluctant. You don’t want to commit to something you’re not sure about. Maybe this will help?

What do our red-apron volunteers do? Here’s what:

Exhibit hall volunteers make continuous rounds of the hall, bringing help and cheer to the vendors. Offering to fetch coffee, tea, or water, or watching a table for a couple of minutes while the vendor runs to the restroom.

Badge checkers make sure those who are entering the exhibit hall are registered for the convention, and direct them to Registration if they are not.

Registration workers hand out name badges to those who are pre-registered for the event, and help others register and pay onsite.

Workshop monitors  DO NOT have to introduce the speaker! They simply help people find seats if the room is crowded. Suggest that folks with noisy little ones step out of the room for a bit. Hold up time cards to let speaker know how much time is left.

What do you think? We do need you, so consider checking “YES” on your registration when asked if you would be willing to volunteer. Even for one hour! Oh, and you’ll receive four (4) MassHOPE bucks for every hour you help out, spendable in the exhibit hall. Or, if you’d rather, just email Anne Smith at and tell her you’d like to volunteer.

Thanks in advance!

9. Speaker vault for April

Our newest section of the MassHOPE website features a CURATED LIBRARY OF RECORDED WORKSHOPS from past conventions. Over the years, we have had the privilege of hosting hundreds of inspiring speakers, and we periodically showcase some of their presentations on this page. For April, we invite you to listen to an inspiring message by  Gregg Harris: How to Stay Engaged with the One You Marry.  Gregg draws from his decades of experience as a husband and father to offer practical and biblically grounded advice for maintaining a vibrant, lasting marriage. With a focus on intentional companionship, he emphasizes the importance of aligning marital relationships with God’s design.  

10. Homeschool days at Battleship Cove in Fall River

Great prices and great workshops. Details HERE .

11. Field trip fun in Ipswich

A property of the Trustees of Reservations, Castle Hill on the Crane Estate is a magnificent example of Stuart-style architecture of the Gilded Age. Try to go in excellent weather for the fullest enjoyment of the grounds, including the spectacular Grande Allée, a half-mile manicured grass mall leading from the mansion to the Atlantic Ocean. Get details HERE .

12. Short and sweet

HERE are eight suggestions to encourage you in your homeschool journey.

13.  From the Washington Examiner

Dr. Ben Carson WEIGHS IN on why homeschooling is on the rise. 

14. Homeschool track meet May 10

Homeschool families, mark your calendars! The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is hosting a special track meet on Saturday, May 10, 2025, at Whitinsville Christian School. This exciting event is designed for Christian homeschool students of all skill levels , providing a fun, encouraging opportunity for students of all ages. You can register for the event HERE .

15. Field trip fun in Boston

Have you ever visited the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum ? It looks wonderful!

16. What a deal!

During all of March and April, kids will be admitted FREE to Old Sturbridge Village. Well, not all kids; it’s limited to 2 children aged 4-17 and under per paying adult (age 3 and under are always free). So, children in large families might not all get in free, but this should help!

17. Online guitar lessons

From Joe Sandusky: I’ve been teaching guitar for over 30 years. As a private teacher I taught over 40,000 lessons over 16 years and over 1,500 students in the 14 years that I taught guitar at a public high school. I also taught general music at a private elementary school for 3 years. I’m good with kids of all ages. I’m currently teaching online virtual lessons, which are tailored to your needs. I teach how to read standard notation as well as ear training, so you can understand music both visually and aurally. I also teach theory, but everything is played on the instrument through composition or improvisation. I like to use the music the student likes as a vehicle for learning these concepts. 


I have a variety of payment options and offer a free consultation where I can evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, if you’ve played before, and explain how I would help you and give you an idea of what I’d have you work on. 


My website is .


Look forward to helping you learn guitar.

18. Compelling TeenPact testimony: please read

Anya Young attended the New England Session II class just last year. Here is the beginning of her story: From Reluctance to Transformation.

When I was 14 or 15, I didn’t want to go to TeenPact because it sounded like school. I begged my parents not to make me go. At that time, I was immature—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Before knowing God personally, I denied who I was and tried to build an identity that would please myself and others. This included dressing only in black and avoiding anything feminine, which made TeenPact unappealing to me. 

To read the rest, click HERE .

TeenPact trains young people to embrace their call in the next generation of leaders by giving them the tools, teaching, and opportunities to do so. Each TeenPact program is marked by spiritual discipleship, student leadership, and a commitment to excellence.


Students from across New England have a choice of two different weeks and locations for their TeenPact classes: Hartford, Connecticut, and Concord, New Hampshire. See details HERE . Student housing is available for each location!


Registration is open at . Ministry-minded chaperones are also needed, so please consider ministering to today’s youth by accompanying your student or group!

19 Calling all parents of graduating seniors

Surely you know right now if you have a graduating senior this year. If so, do you also know that MassHOPE holds a formal cap and gown graduation ceremony each year?

This year marks our 20th formal graduation ceremony, and it will be held at Holden Chapel on June 7 at 2:00 PM. If you are interested in learning more, please send an email (including your graduate's name) to Susan Jacobsen - She will be happy to send you the graduation packet providing more info including how to sign up.

Please NOTE: There are deadlines in order to participate, so don't delay: email Susan today!  

20. For your encouragement: Some comforting advice

“When God gives you a job, you are qualified for it, no matter what.” A few things to remember on your HOMESCHOOL JOURNEY .

21. Homeschooling in the News:  Homeschooled, or not? A study comparing outcomes

The Cardus Institute, a Christian think tank in Canada, conducted a large survey study in the United States that examined “a range of outcomes for a nationally representative sample of adults aged 24 to 39. Presented in this report are the economic, mental-health, civic, spiritual, and family-formation outcomes for the group of CES respondents who were homeschooled for a portion of their primary and secondary education.”

You can read the article containing the full report HERE , or a shorter summary HERE . Lots of interesting findings, but also lots of variety. They sum things up as, “No single, overarching profile accurately describes Americans who were homeschooled.”

22. Social media triple play with our return to Instagram 

(Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram. Our Facebook and Instagram accounts are linked, so you can follow us on Instagram and get some of the same info we post there. Go to our link -  -  and click “Follow.”

23. Check out our new Resources page

We are excited to have recently launched a brand-new  Resources  section on the MassHOPE website! This dedicated space features carefully curated recommendations for homeschooling and parenting books to support you on your homeschooling journey. Whether you are seeking guidance on curriculum choices, encouragement, or inspiration for fostering a Christ-centered home, you’ll find helpful materials. Visit the   RESOURCE PAGE   today to explore these new resources, and check back for new additions!

24. Partner with MassHOPE?

We invite you to partner with MassHOPE in supporting Christian homeschooling families across Massachusetts. As a non-profit organization, your generous donations enable us to continue providing encouragement, resources, events, and advocacy to strengthen and equip local homeschoolers. Every gift, big or small, makes a lasting impact. Please prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible   DONATION   today and join us in building up families in the year ahead. 

25. Friends don’t let friends miss out on...

...important information about MassHOPE. So spread the word! Help us share the news about our upcoming convention and so much more! Tell all your homeschooling friends about  The MassHOPE Messenger , MassHOPE's bi-weekly e-newsletter, filled with opportunities and items of interest for homeschooling families. All they need to do to receive it is to send full name and email address to Help them stay informed!

Also,  while you’re at it, why don’t you start thinking about volunteering at our convention? We need you!

26. Discounts from

Homeschooling can be challenging.   It can be expensive, time-consuming, and confusing to choose classes and curricula for multiple students. We are writing to tell you that   will provide all the courses you need for homeschooling each of your preschool through graduating 12th-grade students at the discounted annual price of $179 (you save $90) .  With hundreds of online courses, lesson plans, quizzes, tests, answer keys, certificates of completion, and streaming videos, your annual   membership will ensure you have a full-spectrum, non-Common Core curriculum platform to confidently educate your children at home.

Membership is good for your whole family—including grandparents—no matter how many children you have. Because everything is included online, there is no need to buy textbooks. PLUS, there are no per class, no per child, nor any other hidden fees. You can also generate quarterly report cards for each student and access help with transcript creation for your high schoolers. contains nearly every subject imaginable—art history, drawing, computer technology, foreign languages, history, language arts, math, music, science, and loads of electives. Let your kids help pick out their own courses!

27. Convention recordings available

Recordings are available from our 2024 convention. If there was a particular session you'd like to hear again or share with others, or if there is a subject you wish you had been there to hear, go to  ALLIANCE RECORDINGS .

28. MassHOPE Facebook groups

Did you know that MassHOPE has two private Facebook groups in addition to its main Facebook page? If you would like to join the  MassHOPE Massachusetts Homeschool Discussion and Support Group  (described in Item #30) or the  MassHOPE Massachusetts Homeschool Marketplace and UCS group , or if you invite anyone to join these groups, please note that there are questions you will need to answer in order to be approved. If you don't get approved soon after your request to join, perhaps you didn't answer the required questions.

29. MassHOPE advertising opportunities

MassHOPE has a variety of advertising options available at reasonable rates in several media paths – MassHOPE website, dedicated email, Facebook, MassHOPE Messenger. If interested, please send an email to All ads are subject to availability and space. MassHOPE reserves the right to accept or reject ads as we must apportion limited space and evaluate relevance to our audience.

30. MassHOPE Facebook discussion group

Connect with us on Facebook at  MassHOPE Massachusetts Homeschool Discussion and Support Group . This group provides support and encouragement for homeschoolers pursuing privately-funded, parent-led home education. Its purpose is to encourage and equip homeschool parents to disciple and educate their children for the Lord, and to connect families within our state to give them opportunities to gather together for educational and recreational experiences.

31.   The MassHOPE Educator ID Card

Educator IDs are available for benefits such as potential discounts at retailers. Order them from our website   HERE .

32. Your news items wanted

Do you know of an event or activity in or near Massachusetts that would edify or interest the homeschool community? Email Anne Smith at   and we will review it for possible inclusion in the MassHOPE Messenger.

33. Remember to "Like" MassHOPE on Facebook

"Like"  MassHOPE's Facebook pageYou'll be encouraged in your homeschooling journey and will receive all updates for upcoming events.

34. Are you on our mailing lists?

If you are receiving this e-newsletter, you are on our email list! May we also add you to our “snail mail” list to receive occasional information via the U.S. Postal Service? If Yes, please send your full name and complete mailing address to .

35. How to homeschool legally in Massachusetts 

This video features Michael Donnelly, formerly HSLDA's designated counsel for Massachusetts: .   The link referenced for further Massachusetts-specific articles is .

36. Videos and webinars from HSLDA

T hree-part video series on getting started: .

How to Start Homeschooling with Special Needs .

And many, many more .

37. Get started homeschooling in Massachusetts Check out this MassHOPE site for   getting started .

Follow us on Instagram: massachusetts_homeschool

Follow us on X: @MassHOPE


The MassHOPE Messenger is published by  Mass achusetts  H omeschool  O rganization of  P arent  E ducators (MassHOPE). Visit our website at .
Any questions about items in this e-news can be sent to . If you know someone who would like to receive our news, or if you wish to unsubscribe or change your e-mail address, please contact us at . Items for possible inclusion in the newsletter should be sent to . MassHOPE reserves the right to edit or reject any items submitted for the e-news.
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