Speaker Bio
After 35 years of teaching Spanish to Florida elementary, middle, and high school students, Dale Gamache “graduated” in 2017. Señor Gamache and his wife Robin established a private Spanish language after-school program in which they taught hundreds of public, private, and homeschooled children. While teaching these classes, they developed La Clase Divertida (The FUN Class!). This Pre-K – 8th grade multi level video/audio curriculum has been used by tens of thousands of families worldwide with great FUN and success. In addition, high school students throughout the country are enrolled in LIVE internet (not virtual) classrooms for high school credit in Spanish 1, 2, and 3 with Sr. Gamache, who is a Florida-certified Spanish teacher. He has been a featured speaker on foreign language acquisition at homeschool and public school conventions. Dale and Robin live in the Daytona Beach area and have one daughter and three grandsons.
Workshops handouts available for download below.
Speaker Workshops
Can I Teach Foreign Language Successfully at Home? Yes, you can!
While most parents are confident teaching the 3 Rs to their children, very few feel that same confidence with foreign language instruction. In my workshop, I hope to answer many of the questions that I have heard repeatedly during my nearly 40 years of Spanish instruction of children ages 4-18 and my 15 years of homeschooling. I will also discuss the changes that are happening in the computer age to high school foreign language instruction and which credits are acceptable to colleges and universities. I will share my research during this interesting and informative workshop.
· What is the best age to start teaching a foreign language?
· What language should I teach?
· Should I teach Greek, Latin or some other language?
· How can I teach a language that I don’t know myself?
· What should I look for in a language program?
· How can I help my children become fluent in a language?
· How can I teach foreign language to my highschooler at home?
· Do my children need a foreign language to graduate from high school or to be accepted at a community college or university?
How Do I Choose the Best Online Courses for My Child?
Online courses are a great tool to teach the subjects that you don’t feel comfortable or competent teaching. Your child needs to be prepared for a different type of learning experience. This talk will focus on what the parent should look for in an online course, what types to avoid and how to guide your child during the course to assure them a successful experience. We will also explore the proper balance of online and parent-taught courses.