Most of you are not old enough to remember President Nixon’s famous pronouncement “We’re all Keynesians now.” In light of economic events seeming to be out of control, he felt himself pushed into policies previously unthinkable to conservatives. The statement is often borrowed and modified to stress the momentous effect of unexpected events.

As millions of children are suddenly and unexpectedly thrust into some form of homeschooling by out of control events, you might say “We’re all homeschoolers now”, a frightening prospect never before considered by most.

What is homeschooling?

First, let’s set some parameters to this idea of homeschooling. Here at MassHOPE, and at similar Christian homeschool organizations in states across the nation, we define home education as parent-directed, home-based, privately-funded education.

Does being stuck at home make you a homeschooler?

In most cases, probably not. Your children may be at home with government-prescribed school work provided by the school, but it’s TEMPORARY. If you are planning to send your child back to the same school when the doors open again, you are not homeschooling.

But, what if…

  • You don’t want to send them back?
  • You feel the need to do something different, something better?
  • You want to explore home education?

Where do I start?

  1. Check our Getting Started page for help and information on homechooling in Massachusetts.
  2. Get connected. Email for support group information or general questions.
  3. Subscribe to the MassHOPE Messenger, our biweekly communication of opportunities for homeschoolers, and for other timely alerts of matters affecting homeschoolers.
  4. Attend MassHOPE events for practical information, support, and encouragement.
       · MassHOPE annual convention – a great weekend of speakers and vendors for the whole family
       · MassHOPE used curriculum sale – an awesome event of curriculum and resource bargains


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