Best Homeschool Conference Tips

Best Homeschool Conference Tips

Attending MassHOPE’s annual convention is an incredible opportunity for inspiration, education, and connection. Whether you’re a first-time attendee or a seasoned homeschooler, making the most of your time at the convention can help you walk away with valuable...
Don’t Miss the Twirling Moments by Todd Wilson

Don’t Miss the Twirling Moments by Todd Wilson

Hey Dad, We’ve been home from our south Speaking tour for just over a week. We left Florida and it’s been rainy and cold ever since. But I’ve still been basking in the memory of vacation and uninterrupted family time (but it’s growing fainter by the second). While...
National Homeschool Day of Prayer

National Homeschool Day of Prayer

National Homeschool Day of Prayer National Homeschool Day of Prayer 2018 is coming up Friday, November 2. Follow our event page and mark yourself as “going” to receive prayer prompts throughout the day. #nationalhomeschooldayofprayer...