by Kent Boyle | Oct 27, 2021 | Messenger
1. National Homeschool Day of PrayerFriday, November 5 will be the 5th annual National Homeschool Day of Prayer. Join homeschool families across the nation and the world in a special day of prayer. Follow the Homeschool Freedom Facebook page for hourly prayer prompts...
by Kent Boyle | Oct 13, 2021 | Messenger
1. Great deal at Great Wolf Lodge! Looking for a fun local winter getaway? Consider trekking to Great Wolf Lodge in Fitchburg for a splashing time! Located in northern Worcester County, Great Wolf Lodge has “pawsitively” something for everyone to enjoy. Check out...
by Kent Boyle | Sep 30, 2021 | Messenger
1. TeenPact Massachusetts 2022TeenPact is an “awesome Christian ministry” where your kids can learn about government from a Biblical perspective. They will learn how a bill becomes a law and how elections are run, and hear from elected leaders on site at the State...
by Kent Boyle | Sep 15, 2021 | Messenger
1. Christian college fair on October 5On Tuesday, October 5th from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Whitinsville Christian High School will once again be pleased to be a host site for the 2021 Christian College Fair.Approximately 25 Christian colleges and universities from all...
by Kent Boyle | Sep 2, 2021 | Messenger
1. Happy New School YearAm I really ready for this?Just starting, as so many are, in this crazy new environment? Perhaps you have been thinking, praying, and planning for months. Your curriculum is ready to go and so are you. It’s been a long summer and the kids are...
by Kent Boyle | Aug 18, 2021 | Messenger
1. How to homeschool legally in Massachusetts This video features Michael Donnelly, HSLDA’s designated counsel for Massachusetts: The link referenced for further...