Speaker Bio
Speaker Workshops
Looking Back: What a Homeschooling Dad Wishes He Had Known (Rob)
Choices have consequences. Despite our best intentions, not every choice produces the desired results. Live and learn! I can’t change now the outcomes of my homeschooling experience. Instead, I can help parents “in the trenches”. How I wish a wise and caring homeschool vet had shared these tips and encouragements with me years ago. You can learn it all yourself, or benefit from my decades of experience, both good and bad! I really believe these insights will be helpful to current homeschooling dads and moms – parents just like you!
Preparing Your Children to Launch: Are You Missing an Obvious Goal of Parenting? (Rob & Julie)
What is the long-term goal of your home school? Is it getting your child into college? That doesn’t mean they will be functioning adults. Do you have a plan to help launch your child as a functioning adult? When does one start, and how? It’s not as hard as you might think, but it does need intentionality. How does one cultivate a long-term picture resulting in a student ready to launch? Come away with two new tools for evaluating time and energy to make big changes in long-term outcome. We’ll share real life examples.