by Kent Boyle | May 7, 2020 | Messenger
1. MassHOPE events 2020It has been a trying time for those of us running state homeschool organizations. This has been a situation like no other we have faced and planning is virtually impossible. One by one, conventions and other events have been...
by Kent Boyle | Mar 6, 2020 | Center
I’ve written many articles on this blog about how math helps us see the incredible order and design God placed around us. Today’s post, though, focuses on how math also gives us sober reminders that sin has marred God’s perfect world, bringing suffering and death....
by Kent Boyle | Feb 26, 2020 | Messenger
1. Important Annual Lobby Day coming up Dear Friend of the Family, Protecting the sanctity of life from conception to natural death has never been more crucial here in Massachusetts. For the past year, we’ve been sounding the alarm about the extreme ROE...
by Kent Boyle | Feb 19, 2020 | Left
From my observation, homeschooling parents seem to fall into three categories as it relates to the homeschool convention … There’s the “I wouldn’t miss it for the world” crowd, the “I already have my curriculum and don’t really need to go” folks, and then there’s the...
by Kent Boyle | Feb 12, 2020 | Messenger
1. Judges needed. No experience necessary! From Kathy Edelblut: The National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA) is hosting a speech and debate tournament with over 150 students competing on March 6-7 at CenterPoint Community Church, 101 School...