ViewPoint Christian Academy is helping parents provide at-home Christian education for their children through our 3 pillars of education.

  1. ViewPoint is Bible-based and seeks to inspire a Biblical worldview.
  2. ViewPoint is individualized and customizes each student’s curriculum to their needs.
  3. ViewPoint’s program is mastery-based giving students the time they need to master the material and allowing them to accelerate when possible.

We offer a range of services and options to meet your families educational needs.

Three distance learning program options: paper-based, parent-led online (grades 3-8), and teacher-assisted online (grades 3-12).

Our professional academic analysis can provide you with an accurate assessment of your child’s learning level for $99, which can be transferred to an account credit if you decide to enroll.

Single and bulk license purchasing options of our online curriculum are available.

ViewPoint has what your family needs for at-home Christian education and we’ve been empowering families to achieve this mission since 1984.

(508) 764-2219

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Individualization and Mastery in Education

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