We were scared. Unsure. Without support from either of our parents, or most of our siblings. What was this radical idea we were planning, and what made us think we were qualified to teach our children? What was wrong with the schooling options we had each experienced? We didn’t know what we didn’t know! We only knew we didn’t want to live a life regretting not having tried. Something deep inside us bound us together to see how we could offer our children something different. We weren’t criticizing the choices of others. We just knew we had to try! And so we began.
Over 3 decades later we are so glad we did! Was it easy? Were we ever lacking confidence? Did we make mistakes? Was our family exempt from normal family or marriage conflicts? Why did we continue?
Rob is an attorney who went into practice with his father (prior to his death). His current specialty is Estate Planning. He has also been a Professor with Oak Brook College of Law for over 25 years. Four HSLDA attorneys were former students of his. He fondly calls them, “My boys”.
Julie was a Critical Care RN for 15 years prior to homeschooling her own 3 children as well as 2 others (high school) through graduation. She was the primary caregiver for her mother-in-law who lived with them 8 1/2 years due to Alzheimers. She is an artist and owns her own travel business, Caprera Travel.
When Covid turned the world upside down, both of us were compelled to start CARE Homeschool Consulting. Our heart has been to serve homeschool parents for over 30 years. Now, we are equipped to help parents shorten their learning curve through mentoring and coaching. We’ve been there, and have seen what has worked for us as well as discovering what didn’t. Let us help you shorten your learning curve in your unique homeschool journey!
Thank you for stopping by our booth during this virtual convention. We would love to be meeting and speaking with you in person. Here’s how we can help make that happen. We are offering a FREE 20 min phone call to speak with you about your top concern in your unique homeschooling journey. Please go to www.CAREHomeschool.com and look for the Calendly link to set up your 20 min FREE call. We also will be offering a FREE webinar by Zoom, “Chaos to Confidence”. If you would like an invite, please send an email to Julie@CAREHomeschool.com with the word, Webinar, in the subject line. We will send you an email with the info and Zoom link. We will also need your name. Looking forward to speaking with you soon! Our heart is to help encourage you, offer practical direction, and most of all hope…all infused with humor!