MassHOPE Used Curriculum Sale

June 22, 2019


June 22, 2019

The 2019 MassHOPE Used Curriculum Sale will be held from 10 AM to 1 PM on Saturday, June 22, 2019.


Chapel of the Cross

160 Flanders Road
Westboro, MA 01581

Promotional Material

Bulletin Insert

Letter Sized Flyer

  1. Shop
    • Purchase books and curriculum

I Want to Buy Curriculum

The Chapel of the Cross is an air-conditioned facility on one level with easy access for parking and loading/unloading. We have thousands of items for sale organized by subject, publisher, and grade. We also have a large FREE room.

No childcare facilities are available. This is an intense shopping time with hundreds of shoppers and thousands of books in a gymnasium sized space. It will be easier to concentrate if you can make childcare arrangements for toddlers and preschoolers.

We will have volunteers to help pregnant mothers and those with special needs.

The Book Rest table will also be available for weary arms.

Shopping Aids permitted:

  • Rolling milk crates
  • Any rolling container the size of a milk crate or smaller
  • Small strollers ONLY if they have a child in them!
  • Luggage carts

Shopping Aids NOT permitted: (must be left outside the sale area & claimed after paying)

  • ANY OPAQUE CONTAINER (due to past problems with theft) including tote bags, backpacks, and rolling suitcases
  • Space constraints with large crowds do not permit us to allow wagons, double strollers, or laundry baskets on luggage carts or any aid larger than a rolling milk crate. People need to be able to get to the tables.


Cash, Personal Checks and Credit Cards

  1. Sell
    • Sell books & curriculum

I Want to Sell Curriculum

Register to sell here

Please read instructions carefully to ensure smooth operation of the sale.

Items labeled using MassHOPE UCS barcodes labels from the last 3 years may be used again this year.

ALL SELLERS MUST REGISTER BEFORE BRINGING ITEMS TO BE SOLD. Registration is available only online here. If any problems registering, please email us at

REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS 11:59 pm, Monday, June 17, 2019. When registered you will receive an automatic e-mail confirmation. You will also receive an email with a link to the tags to fill out and attach to your items. Please follow instructions and notes on that page carefully. If you do not receive these within 48 hours of registration, please contact us to be sure it was received!

When registering, all sellers must make an appointment time to drop off items. All items are checked individually to ensure proper labeling and that sets are secured. Please allow sufficient time (30-45 min) for this when making your appointment. You will have opportunity to correct any problems. If you bring items for another person you must wait for their items to be checked also.

Sellers will be asked to indicate whether leftover items will be picked up or donated.

The main reasons items are not accepted are:

  • Wrong tags (need all new computer generated barcode tags)
  • Tags incorrectly taped
    • For outside tag: Tape ONLY along left and right sides of tag.
    • For inside (duplicate) tag: Tape ONLY along top of tag.
  • Items without duplicate tag inside back cover (duplicate tag must be added)
  • Sets not secured with enough rubber bands (rubber bands added)

MassHOPE receives an 18% donation from items sold (Thurs/Fri drop off) and 23% (Sat drop off). MassHOPE will provide the envelopes and stamps for mailing the sales slips and payment to each seller. You will receive a check from MassHOPE within one month for the proceeds of your books less your donation to MassHOPE. You will also receive the tags of the items sold and the barcode scanned printout. Please keep track of what you bring and plan to sell. We keep no records of individual items sold by sellers.


Thursday, June 20th: 2 pm to 8 pm (last drop off 7:30 pm) 18% donated to MassHOPE

Friday, June 21st: 10 am to 12 noon (last drop off 11:30 am) 18% donated to MassHOPE

Saturday, June 22nd: 8 am to 8:15 am by appointment only, 100 item limit, 23% donated to MassHOPE

ALL sellers are asked to come to Chapel of the Cross by 1 pm on Saturday, June 22 to help sort unsold items. Only after ALL items to be collected are sorted, may sellers check out their unsold items and take them. Sellers may have a representative come for them to help in the sort/collect of unsold items. With more help we are able to sort all items much faster and sellers can collect their unsold items more quickly.

  1. Volunteer
    • Volunteer at the UCS

I Want to Volunteer

Register to volunteer here.

This sale cannot happen without volunteers.  Volunteers (children included) who sign up by June 17, 2019 and volunteer to work 3 hours or more are allowed to shop one hour before the sale opens to the public and have first choice of items. It is also a great way to help children (age 10 & up) develop a servant’s heart while learning valuable skills. Most of all, it’s a wonderful way to share in the camaraderie of being part of the group that makes a big event happen.

Volunteers are needed to help receive, sort, distribute, set up, and organize books during Thursday, June 20 and Friday, June 21. We appreciate people who like to make things neat! While we happily accept onsite volunteers, only volunteers who have signed up in advance and are scheduled to work three hours or more are eligible to shop early on the sale date. No one may shop before June 22.

We also need volunteers to help man the sale, i.e. helping direct shoppers and assisting those with needs, keeping books neat in assigned areas, helping with the book rest, sorting tags, and assisting with breakdown (from 1 – 2 pm) and cleanup.

We need a few volunteers to help us set up before we receive books Thursday and to help clean up and set up the church on Saturday after the sale. This involves more physical labor than volunteer jobs during the regular volunteer hours – a great chance for husbands to volunteer so their wives may shop early!

Please wear appropriate clothing and bring a sack lunch and a water bottle.

Children 10 and up may volunteer with a parent. For volunteer registration, please go here.

REMEMBER, VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP DEADLINE IS 11:59 pm, Monday, June 17, 2019.

  1. Free Room
    • General Information

Free Room

Once again there will be a free room. Donations to the free room do not need to be tagged and may be made on Thursday and Friday, June 20 & 21. They do not need to be picked up if not taken during the event.

Please go through your free room donations before bringing them to be sure they really are usable items. MassHOPE is not a disposal service. The sale is very difficult to manage if time must be spent weeding out useless items.

Donate to MassHOPE
Speaker Inquiries
Exhibitor Information