Visit our website to order your recordings HERE today! Once you get the recordings, follow along with the handouts that can still be found on most speakers’ pages of our website. (Downloads available for workshops designated with icon.)
Come be encouraged! Join us at Holden Chapel on Saturday, June 8 at 2 p.m. as 40-plus families celebrate their homeschoolers’ achievements and high school graduations. Rudy Hugo, from the Greater New York City area, will be delivering an inspiring commencement message in an inimitable and convicting style you won’t want to miss.
7. Rally in Westford against infanticide legalization
From the Team at the Renew Massachusetts Coalition:
The Life Collaborative of Middlesex County will be hosting a rally to peacefully oppose the Infanticide bill that is currently in the Legislature. We will likely have almost no notice when they move the Roe Act Infanticide bill through committee and to the floor. You’ll recall that this legislation legalizes infanticide, eliminates parental consent laws, dramatically expands late term abortion, and removes important safety precautions designed to reduce harm to pregnant women having an abortion. Please join us to make your voice heard and get more involved:
Rally Against the Infanticide Bill
Date: Thursday, May 16th
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Westford Common,65 Main Street, Westford
This is FREE and open to the public!
We are asking everyone in the area to show their support and attend this important rally. We can show our elected officials, the media, and our neighbors that even in liberal Massachusetts this type of bill goes too far! And furthermore, we need help building support against this legislation. We are organizing volunteer canvasses across the state. Please reach out to Steve Fruzzetti: steve@renewmacoalition.orgor Robert Aufiero: to help out.
8. CHEC co-op in Princeton
Do you know of an event or activity in or near Massachusetts that would edify or interest the homeschool community? Email Anne Smith at
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Do you shop at Amazon? If you shop through AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation to MassHOPE! If you’re not already signed up, you can do so more easily than ever. To start supporting our organization, simply click this link, which is unique to MassHOPE: “”3220412. That’s all! From then on, when – and only when – you enter the Amazon website through,Amazon will automatically donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to MassHOPE. Thank you for supporting the work of your Christian state homeschool organization!